Teaching Resources

I post a variety of unit plans, projects, and assessments for teacher use in English classrooms at the secondary level. Come take a look!

The following are a series of resources I have developed that are available for free for teachers and other educators. Please reach out to me if you would like to collaborate on furthering any of these projects!

Linguistics Inquiry for Universal Design

Reading and writing remediation doesn't have to be juvenile. By letting students explore aspects of language through inquiry, we can make remediation more meaningful, mature, and universally applicable. Inquiry based learning can be brought to ELA teaching by drawing on the scientific study of language: linguistics. 

Reading & writing remediation systems for ELLs and students with reading disabilities (i.e. dyslexia) already draw from linguistics; for example, Project READ is a teacher training course by the International Dyslexia Association that uses "morphology, phonology, vocabulary, and spelling to explore the written word and educate students who are struggling to master the reading process." However, few if any actually teach linguistics concepts directly to students, relying instead on vague descriptions and euphemistic terminology. But at the high school level, students are ready to learn about linguistics! Teaching the concepts as they are studied scientifically also legitimizes the work and allows it to be universally applicable for all students.

READWRITE Project Slides.pptx
LingInq Teaching Notes.pdf

Visual Supports, Differentiation Tools, and SEL Resources for the High School Classroom

Much of the free content available for providing visual supports for students with disabilities is aimed at very young children. However, visual supports like communication grids and visual schedules are helpful for people of all ages! Other socio-emotional support systems, like Leah Kuyper's Zones of Regulation, are proven to work for adolescents and adults, but only have materials for elementary classrooms.

This project aims to create and provide differentiation tools and SEL resources that are specifically developed with adolescents in mind. From video game aesthetics to books to cats, the materials here are intended to pique students' interests and help encourage them to use these tools. If you have a request for a specific style, aesthetic, or want to cater something to a student's interests, please contact me

Please note that the Zones of Regulation is a program that must be implemented with fidelity. The Zone resources are meant only to supplement the program created and distributed by Social Thinking Inc. and should not be utilized independently from the rest of the curriculum. 

Zones of Regulation Reference Posters & Size of the Problem Posters


Daily Supply Charts & Visual Schedules

first next then printables.pdf
visual schedule items.pdf

Communication Grids & Emotion Icons/Feelings Charts

communication grids.pdf
emotions items.pdf

Break Cards & Help Cards

break cards.pdf
break-help cards.pdf

ELA Bell-Ringers, Warm-ups, and Time Fillers

A variety of classroom activities ranging from 5-30 minutes for creating a classroom routine and practicing key skills. A majority of these activities also includes instructions (and have been tested) for virtual teaching  adaptations!